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Hollywood Blvd

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Being bad at math is what gets me out of bed in the morning

Annie's Log, 09/20/15

No, really. It is.

Math has never been my strong suit. If you read my post "Chemistry is a Dementor," I made it explicitly clear. I'm not a fan. I recognize its value in everyday life and all, but it's never been my favorite subject.

I'm decent at algebra and I can do geometry and arithmetic, but beyond that I'm not very good at it. The only class in high school where I got a "C" was PreCal (THANKS, MRS. [REDACTED]-YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE).

But I'm not bitter or anything. I've accepted that math is just not one of my strengths. And that's exactly why I'm using my weakness to combat one of my other weaknesses.

One of my absolute worst habits is hitting the snooze button on my alarm in the morning. You can ask any of my former roommates. Or my parents. Or anyone who has seen me at an 8:00am class.

 I fully recognize that it's a terrible, disruptive habit that negatively impacts my life in many ways (well, really just getting up in the morning), but I just love sleep so much. One time I slept for 16 hours. It was a great day at the end of a very long week. I remember it well.

But I can't live in my bed forever. There are too many things to do.

So how did I use one of my weaknesses to cancel out one of my other weaknesses? I downloaded an app for my phone that requires me to solve math problems in order to turn off an alarm. My alarm clock makes me do math problems as soon as I wake up in the morning. Literally the first thing that I do in the morning is math. Really.

Imagine waking up in the morning to a blaring alarm sound and this problem on your phone's screen: 6 + 2 x 4 - 8.

I have to do 10 of these in order to turn my alarm off in the morning. It's a lovely way to start my day.

End Log.


  1. I like math, but not first thing in the morning.

  2. Hahaha, brilliant use of self-torture!
